Clear2there, LLC Privacy Policy

Clear2there, LLC is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information collected. We urge you to read this Privacy Policy so that you understand our commitment to you and your privacy, and how you can participate in that commitment. Clear2there, LLC will process Customer Data which may include personal data, only to the extent and in such a manner as is necessary to provide the Products and Services under the Agreement or as otherwise instructed by Customers from time to time. 

Scope and consent

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information and other information collected by Clear2there, LLC or its service providers from or about: (i) visitors to, or users of, Clear2there, LLC Websites; (ii) prospective and current customers using Clear2there, LLC information technology services; (iii) users of any mobile-device applications that it offers (such as iOS and Android applications); (iv) service providers and business partners; (v) job applicants; and (vi) other third-parties that it interacts with.


Personal Information means any information that can identify you. It includes information or an opinion from which you are reasonably identifiable. Personal Information may include information that identifies a legal entity, such as company name. Personal Information that we collect is described in more detail below. Information that is related to you but that does not personally identify you ( Non- personal Information ) may also be collected. Non-personal Information also includes information that could personally identify you in its original form, but that has been modified (for instance, by aggregating, anonymizing or de-identifying such information) in order to remove or hide any Personal Information.

Information Collection

Information Types

Use of Information

Unless otherwise stated in the terms of service or other agreements, collected information is used only to providing the Products and Services that you have requested from us.

2. Disclosure of personal information

Except for the limited circumstances described in this Privacy Policy or other applicable agreement / terms of service, the Personal Information we gather is for internal use only and we will not authorize the release of this information to anyone outside of Clear2there except to Clear2there authorized service providers or if you have consented to such disclosure. If required to provide Personal Information to third parties, it will only be shared to the extent reasonably necessary or as required or permitted by law. Non-personal information that does not identify any individual or company (e.g., anonymous, aggregated data) may be shared without restriction. For example, we may provide our advertisers or other third parties with reports that contain aggregated and statistical data about our users.

3. How you can manage your personal information

4. Security of your information

We are committed to industry best practice when it comes to preventing loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, or unlawful or unnecessary processing of the information we collect. This includes, but is not limited to, encryption of data where appropriate, access control, and monitoring for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. For technical specifics and documentation, please contact us.

5. Children

Our websites and the Services are not designed for or directed at individuals under the age of thirteen (13) or minors otherwise defined in local law or regulation. We will not intentionally collect or maintain information about these individuals.

6. Verification

Clear2there, LLC utilizes a self-assessment approach or outside compliance review to assure its compliance with this Privacy Policy.

7. Customer data personal information of our customers clients

Customers use the Service to host, transmit or process data on our hosted systems, which may include your Personal Information ( Customer Data ). In these situations, it is our customers rather than us who decide the reasons for which the Customer Data is collected and otherwise processed. Clear2there will not review, share, distribute, nor reference any such Customer Data except as provided in the agreement that we have in place with the customer, or as may be required by law. Nothing contained in this Privacy Policy shall be construed to alter specific terms and conditions applicable to the Products or Services. Our customers remain responsible for Personal Information that they collect and process and for compliance with applicable data protection laws. Clear2there provides its services under the direction of its customers, and has no direct relationship with the individuals whose personal data our customers process.

9. Inquiries or complaints

If you have a question or complaint about this Privacy Policy or our information collection practices, please contact us at or write us to Clear2there, LLC, 8678 Eagle Creek Circle, Savage, MN 55378